WebValley 2025

From 15th June to 5th July, 2025

Weather Meets Artificial Intelligence: Building Tomorrow's Earth Science

Apply to the General Track from February 25th

Learn more



WebValley is the FBK summer school for dissemination of interdisciplinary research: almost 500 students (17-18y old) have attended the WebValley camps since its first edition in 2001. WebValley started as a regional initiative for high school students from Trentino Alto-Adige SüdTirol, and it is now an opportunity for national and international students to experiment scientific research.

The WebValley formula: Create a team of enthusiastic and motivated high school students (18 y) tutored by researchers.


Weather Meets Artificial Intelligence: Building Tomorrow's Earth Science
In 2025, the team of about 20 students, collaborating with researchers from the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), will join the Artificial Intelligence weather revolution, which is reinventing Weather and Climate research all over the world.

Applications are opening!

How it works

The team accepts a challenge by a collaborating scientist from Ecology, Biology or Social Sciences and develops in three weeks a new web-based prototype for data analysis and management. The school strongly encourages the participation of all genders and various backgrounds.

Students are introduced to Open Source software solutions (scientific programming, web interfaces, database, GIS and data analysis); they discuss, design and develop the new system interacting with scientists. They learn to select tools, organize their own workplan, and respond with a new solution to a problem of ethical interest. A working prototype web solution and technical results are presented at the end of the three week period.

The project activities are developed mostly in teamwork as in a true research environment, that is informal and of high quality in resources, competence and organization. Each student can differently contribute to the project with ideas, software code or data preparation, design of new web interfaces, project presentation.

Fellowships are sponsored by FBK and partner organizations, covering tuition and accommodation, as well as computing and scientific resources. Families can be asked for a contribution for sports and social activities organized on weekends.

WebValley 2023 - Video

Come visit us in Trento

Download the Flyer!

Responsabile dei contenuti: Claudia Dolci (dolci@fbk.eu)
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